42 research outputs found

    An E-business Strategy

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    On the last decade the integration of e-business into organizations has increased, but there are still difficulties during this process. In the present environment any organization must include into their business plan the possibility of identifying the e-business integration method, the implementation cost, and the expected results. The article's aim is to analyze the necessary means and steps in e-business integration into the business plan of an organization.e-business, e-strategy, business plan, digital economy

    Managing Knowledge as Business Rules

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    In today’s business environment, it is a certainty that will manage to survive especially those organizations which are striving to adapt quickly and with low costs to the new demands of market competition. Knowledge represented by internal business rules of an organization can help crystallize their orientation in order to ensure a competitive advantage in the market. In this context and in a relatively short time, a new trend in software development has arisen, ex-tending current methods and putting a strong emphasis on business rules. This article outlines the importance of managing business rules in an organized manner using dedicated software products and furthermore presents a general prototype for a business rules repository.Business Rules, Management, Knowledge, Rule Engine, Repository Prototype

    The Audit of Business Intelligence Solutions

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    Although in this period humanity passes through a relative economic crisis, we all agree that our environment is that of a society of information and knowledge, based on communication and teleactivity, one that is also called information society. Every new form of activity in the information society has an associated informational component consisting in a software program, an application, a system, etc. It is a certainty that in the new economic environment it is necessary to adjust quickly to the opportunities of the market, through Business Process Reengineering, adoption of Business Intelligence solutions, implementation of complex automation applications like Enterprise Resource Planning. But, more than this, in, the digital economy the stress is put on the “labelâ€, the “imageâ€, the “brandâ€, and these features that are associated to organizations may be obtained by the information audit processes. The present study is focusing on the problem of information audit developed in one of the upper forms of manifestation of the information society in the field of changing the ways of doing business: Business Intelligence.Audit, Business Intelligence, Information and Communication Technology, Data & Metadata, Value Chain, Performance

    SOA, SoBI & EDA - Paradigms for Integration Capabilities of BI Platform

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    A Business Intelligence (BI) provider may offer a basic solution, a packed application or a comprising BI platform which integrates components from individual technologies in a synergic system. The providers’ tendency is to standardize the instruments offered on a single server platform. The article analyzes the integration capabilities and problems of BI platforms, emphasizes the differences between emergent technologies and suggests integration solutions. The analysis is useful both to the providers of BI solutions - in order to develop some agile platforms, as well as to their users - representing an important factor in selecting the solution. In addition, the conclusions to be drawn will emphasize the tendencies from the BI market and will represent the support in creating some agile platforms.Business Intelligence, agile platform, integration, metadata management, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

    Knowledge based economy –technological perspective: implications and solutions for agility improvement and innovation achievement in higher education

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    Nowadays, the universities, as driving forces of innovative economy and as components of modern society, based on knowledge and collaboration, face a number of challenges and difficulties. In order to overcome them and to create/ensure the bases of eScience education and research activities, universities have to change culturally, strategically, and operationally. The paper highlights the need for ICT (Information and Communications Technology) use and its implications for higher education. In addition, the study places the theoretical aspects into a specific context, combining technologies through interfunctionality in order to ensure academic education agility and innovation. This involves the use of knowledge, process management, service oriented architectures, and Cloud solutions, exemplifying on the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest case. The integrated approach is extended using the SharePoint 2010 platform to improve academic management and achieve harmonization of teaching and research and development content and methods with European Union standards. The platform has been implemented and tested within two AES departments and the Master’s Degree Studies in Computer Economics. The results have encouraged the integration of the proposed solution within the institution. The study was based on the authors' competences in the areas addressed and was joined with a rigorous analysis of technology trends and various EU countries (Italy, Germany France, Belgium, Netherlands etc.) universities outputs regarding knowledge economy implications for economic higher education studies.knowledge-based economy, information and communications technology, university studies in economics, university management, agility, innovation, SharePoint 2010

    Business management in digital economy

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    Changes that are taking place within business and economical environment, complexity and difficulty of the decision taking processes need the usage of management models specific to digital economy businesses. This paper’s objective consists in defining such a management model, identifying its usefulness, presenting its architecture and comparing some models of ebusiness management

    Study on payments through mobile phones

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    The evolution of information and communications technology, together with the increasing use of electronic commerce, phones and mobile applications, have facilitated mobile payments to become an alternative payment method for buyers and vendors. Mobile payments offer various opportunities to business environment and became a starting point in the transition from electronic to mobile. This paper aims to analyze the present situation of the mobile payment methods and to identify the effects that mobile payment systems have on electronic commerce.mobile payments, electronic commerce, mobile commerce

    Study Model on the Feasibility of Adopting Telework

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    The following considerations present a possible work model for the study of feasibility of adopting telework and present a systematic approach for the purpose of telework opportunity evaluation by the managers. The main objective is to develop a conceptual framework and a decision support system for the managers responsible with implementing telework within their own organizations.telework, decision support system, feasibility model

    Business management in digital economy

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    Changes that are taking place within business and economical environment, complexity and difficulty of the decision taking processes need the usage of management models specific to digital economy businesses. This paper’s objective consists in defining such a management model, identifying its usefulness, presenting its architecture and comparing some models of ebusiness management.digital management, e-business management models, digital economy, information systems.